“Biochemistry – The short course” began with the 1973 textbook “Biochemistry” by Lubert Stryer. To date, the textbook has become a classic and has been published in seven editions. In 2009 the shortened and more focused version also quickly became very popular and has already been published in English with three additional editions (last in 2019).
The textbook was translated into Estonian language by a group of authors, including biochemists from Tallinn University of Technology (Malle Kreen, Aivar Lõokene, Vello Tõugu, Nigulas Samel) and University of Tartu (Jaak Järv, Agu Laisk, Raik-Hiio Mikelsaar, Ago Rinken, Juhan Sedman, Tanel Tenson).
What is the special vitality and breakthrough ability of the Lubert Stryer’s “Biochemistry” textbooks? The secret of success lies in biochemistry itself, as in many scientific disciplines and fields of life. Biochemistry is one of the first scientific fields that have emerged at the juncture of different sciences, which has a significant impact on chemistry, biology, but also on medicine, and provides the basis for sensible nutrition and health behavior. That is why biochemistry has become a major part of education in many disciplines and affects everyone in our daily lives. All this is reflected in the textbook, the material of which is diversified by rich examples of biochemistry in biology and clinical medicine. Secondly, since biochemistry is an exceptionally fast-growing field of science, a good textbook can not only provide definitive knowledge, but must also reflect the story of science development. The authors of the textbook have formed a competent team who has constantly monitored the development of the field of science and incorporated new knowledge and methodologies into the regular reprints of the textbook. Third, and no less important, is the textbook style. The textbook is characterized by exceptionally clear presentation, innovative graphic illustrations and skillful use of structural biology results for learning purposes.
All in all, “Biochemistry – The short course” for studying biochemistry at university bachelor studies for students of biology, medicine, chemistry, environmental sciences, bio and food technology and other natural or real sciences students. It is also suitable as an evening textbook for students or adults interested in biochemistry.
I would like to express my sincere thanks here to all authors and translators. The tremendous work was done by Marin Vinkel, a linguist who also made grammatical corrections after editing the textbook and was an indispensable tool for correcting typographical errors. Thank you, Marin! At this point, I would also like to thank Marju Veermägi, a book designer for shaping a patient and correct end product.
The textbook was published in the framework of a competition for Estonian textbooks organized by the Ministry of Education and Research and Archimedes Foundation. In addition to the mentioned institutions, the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Estonian Biochemistry Society and companies TBD Biodiscovery, LanLab OÜ, HNK Analytsitehnika OÜ and Quantum-Eesti AS also supported the publication of the textbook. Many thanks to all supporters!
You can buy the textbook at the most favorable price (30 € + VAT) from TUT Publishers (Tallinn, Akadeemia tee 1)
Peep Palumaa
Professor at Tallinn University of Technology
Text editor / translator